Support us Today
As a non-profit organization, the European Cultural Centre relies on contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations to make culture available and accessible to audiences of all backgrounds with no entrance fee.
If you would like to support us, please use one of the methods below. Every support would be of a great help to make our dreams of a growing, open, honest, transparent cultural organisation reality.

Write a Check
If you prefer, checks can be mailed to the European Cultural Centre.
Please make checks payable to the European Cultural Centre and send to:
European Cultural Centre 
Keizersgracht 162
1015 CZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Wire Transfers
For information on setting up a wire transfer,


Gifts at every level make a difference and are in the USA 100% tax-deductible.
Thank you for supporting the European Cultural Centre with an One-Time Donation or a Recurring Donation.